Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2 Learning Activity 2

Week 2 Learning Activity 2

Q What is a strategic group (in terms of the Porter concept of Strategic Group Map)? Can you illustrate a strategic group in a large consumer industry, such as automobiles, or soft drinks, or cell phones? This is not an easy activity, and you may need to search on line for some examples of strategic group maps. Please note that you should pay particular attention to the two dimensions (vertical axis and horizontal axis) that make up each map.

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A strategic group implies that there will be a formation of companies possessing similar strategic models. In other words, the companies which combine together in a group will combine different types of strategies and strategic models which will be combined in a manner in which all the strategies will always be observed to emerge from the chosen similar models. The companies will also be from a particular industry and not from different industries (Strategic Management, 2014).